
He Knows My Name

Has anyone called you by the wrong name? Perhaps someone you haven’t seen for awhile forgot it but gave it a shot. People often refer to me as “Leeann,” and occasionally they use other creative names for me.

During my senior year, I received a new name designed by a group of students who prepared a bulletin board we used in our classroom for half the day. I don’t remember the details, but in their hurry to get it finished, they left the last “n” off my name. I became known as “Luan.”

Earlier in high school, one boy named me “Ugly,” which felt like a slap in the face. He thought I was taking too much space at the chalkboard for our Algebra 2 math challenge. Funny thing is that when he saw me five years later, he approached me and tried out a couple of his best pick up lines. I must have made a huge transformation. (Sounds like an idea for another book!) I don’t think he remembered that we shared chalkboard space in school.

Whether someone refers to you by the wrong name, gives you a funny name, or calls you a hurtful name, remember that God knows your actual name.

I would not forget you!
See, I have written your name
on the palms of my hands.

Isaiah 49:15b-16a, NLT

He knows my name, and He knows yours. He loves us and has not forgotten us. How can He overlook us if He has our name engraved on His palm? We are ever before Him.

Be comforted in knowing that you are in His heart and mind, and He thinks of you often.

Blessings to you and your family as you celebrate the birth of our Savior.

Photo by Jon Tyson - Unsplash