Do you know the meaning of your name? Why did your parents select that name for you?
According to Discover Baby Names for Boys & Girls | The Bump, the name LuAnn is of Hawaiian origin and means enjoyment. In the United States, my name reached its peak popularity in 1954 at #192. A popular name in the 1950s, most likely because of parents like mine who named their daughters after a singer—LuAnn Simms. She brought enjoyment to many on the Arthur Godfrey program (according to Mom). Fast forward to 2023, the name LuAnn sits at a much lower ranking of #12,867.
When we named our children, my husband and I agreed on biblical names. We named the oldest two from the Old Testament and the youngest from the New Testament. With a seventeen-year separation between the second and third child, it seemed appropriate.
In naming children, parents often select names with special meanings. This was the case for Maggie Stone’s parents. Maggie is the main female character in my soon to be released book, All Things Possible. The name, Maggie, means pearl. A beautiful gemstone. And with the last name of Stone, the name made sense. Many admire Maggie’s outward beauty, but she is fully aware she lacks within. Her surname, Stone, may describe her better. At the start of her story, her heart appears cold and hardened. But by the end . . .
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your heart of stone
and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26, NIV
Besides being the town gossip, Maggie bears a weighty secret she has held onto for two decades. A secret she must tell Wade, her first love. But she’s afraid he will resent her even more than he already does.
Wade Ruby is a rancher who becomes irritated when Maggie’s mom wants to name a calf, Pearl. That name grates against his nerves and creates tension between him and Maggie. And he has every reason to be upset with her. Wade thinks he knows Maggie’s secret. He prays she will confess before he confronts her. And confront her, he will. As soon as he has the confirmation he needs.
What is the meaning of your name? Please share in the comments below.
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Coming Soon!
All Things Possible
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God
all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26, NIV