
Search Me

One morning this past week, during my quiet time with the Lord, I read John 2:24-25 from the New Living Translation (NLT). When I study the Word, I usually use the New King James Version. But I enjoy the NLT for reading because I sense the Lord speaking to me personally.

But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people.
No one needed to tell him about human nature,
for he knew what was in each person’s heart.
John 2:24-25, NLT

“Jesus didn’t trust them,” and “he knew what was in each person’s heart,” moved me to tears. I turned to Psalm 139:23-24 and made these two verses my prayer.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Psalm 139:23-24, NLT

While I focused on these verses, I thought of common problem areas many of us battle such as anxiety, doubt, insecurity, pride, and selfishness. If you’re like me, you may struggle in one or more of these at times. Let’s look at what God’s Word says about each of these sins. I hope you’ll take time to review these verses for yourself. I’ll summarize them here.

Anxiety—Proverbs 3:5-6 is a familiar part of Scripture. We are to trust in the Lord and not depend on our understanding. When we seek His will, He will guide us to the right path.

Doubt—The verse mentioned above applies to doubt too. But we can also look to Romans 10:17. Our faith grows from hearing the Good News about Christ. The more we get into the Word of God, meditate on it, and follow it, the less doubt we’ll battle.

Insecurity—A great verse here is Galatians 2:20. Jesus died for us and now He lives in us. When we trust in Him, we understand who we are in Christ and how much He loves us. If He is always with us, why do we feel unqualified or uncertain?

Pride—Here’s a verse that can put us in our place. Galatians 6:3 tells us not to think too highly of ourselves. We aren’t all that important.

Selfishness—Philippians 2:3-4 makes this clear by telling us not to be selfish, but to think of others as better than ourselves. Do we follow Jesus’s example by taking an interest in people around us and what they need and want?

Are any of these problem areas for you? My hope is that you will pray, ask the Lord to search your heart, and ask Him to show you anything that offends Him, so you can follow His lead.

O God, You know what’s in my heart. You know everything about me. Search me, Lord, and show me, convict me Holy Spirit, of all that’s within me that offends You. When I try to walk alone or go my own wayward way, help me instead to follow Your leading and go forward in faith in You. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

My Story

Other than God’s Word, there’s no better way to proclaim the miracle of the cross than to share our personal story of when Christ’s death and resurrection changed our lives. Here’s my story.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.

Psalm 23:4, ESV

Depression became my foe while alone in a hotel room. My friend had plans without me, which meant I spent the day with nothing to do. My depression felt like death. When I found a Bible in the drawer, I read Psalm 23 and hoped the words “for you are with me” were true. I prayed and asked God to help me get my life on the right track, because misery awaited me if I didn’t make essential changes.

I grew up believing I was a Christian—attended church, could quote the Ten Commandments, and believed in God. What more was there?

After graduating from high school, I headed the wrong way in life. I didn’t hang out with the “obedient kids,” which distressed my parents. For three years I tried to find myself and discovered I needed to focus more on the Lord.

Two months after praying in the hotel room, my mom and I started attending a nearby church. On our first visit, I decided I was where I needed to be, but fear held me back. What did God want from me? The church was beginning a series of evangelistic revival services, and we discussed whether we should attend. We were both terrified they might call us up to the front of the church. But we went anyway.

On the final night of the revival, something happened inside me. But during the prayer time at the end of the service, my mom looked at me and said, “If you go forward to pray, I’ll die of embarrassment!” I responded, “I’m not going up to the front of the church—don’t worry!” We both knew we needed to pray and accept Christ into our lives, but neither of us wanted to take the first step.

After a restless week because of the Holy Spirit’s conviction, I looked at Mom the following Sunday during prayer and said, “I have to go to the front, now!” She nodded, because the Holy Spirit had moved in her heart too. I hurried forward and met Jesus that day. He became my Lord and Savior. I realized that in my head I’d assumed I was a Christian because I believed in God, but I didn’t know Him in my heart. On that Sunday, Jesus became my everything, and I confessed Him as my Lord. I began a lifelong relationship with Him, and later in the week, my mom too, received Christ into her heart and life.

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from
the dead, you will be saved.

Romans 10:9, ESV

Have you decided to follow Christ? Do you believe in your heart, and not just in your head, God raised Jesus from the dead? My prayer for you today is that your story is like my story and you, too, can say “Jesus is my Lord.”

Photo by Thanti Nguyen - Unsplash

What's Inside?

What’s better than a Dove dark chocolate for a pick-me-up in the afternoon? One of my favorite treats. I sat at my desk at work ready to eat two pieces. If you’re familiar with Dove chocolates, you know each piece has a quote or saying inside the wrapper. I opened the first one and read this quote by Molly B. from Kansas. “Throw kindness around like confetti!” I glanced up when my supervisor walked by, and I threw the second piece of chocolate to him. What could be kinder than to share my coveted chocolate?

Another quote inside a wrapper I opened this past week said, “You are never too old, and it is never too late.” Since I plan to retire soon, I love this statement. Never too late to start something new. Thank you, Lauren P. of Wyoming. I have a few new items on my retirement to-do list I hope to accomplish.

Not every saying inside a wrapper shares a person’s name such as this one. “Don’t talk about it, just be about it.” We often talk of what we hope to do but don’t put action to our words. Life happens. We put our dreams on hold. Maybe we should combine this quote with the previous one. Pursue those dreams and try something new.

What are your thoughts on this statement inside a wrapper with no author to credit? “Everyone has a happy ending. If you’re not happy, it’s not the end.”

Does this quote disturb you as it does me? Will everyone have a happy ending? Those who haven’t received the gift of Jesus Christ? Those who miss heaven? No happy ending for them.

More important than what’s inside a candy wrapper is who’s inside your heart.

Have you accepted Christ into your life? It doesn’t happen because you’ve heard of Him or go to church. You can know Him in your heart and share a relationship with Him.

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved (Romans 10:9-10).

I hope you believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord and God raised him from the dead. I pray you are a follower of Christ and growing in your relationship with Him. 

If you want a happy ending, I trust you will receive Christ.

What or who’s inside your heart today?