Goodbye Matilda

Goodbye Matilda

The time of year has arrived when I need to say goodbye to Matilda—my last ruby-throated hummingbird of the season. But she’s still here. I’m surprised to see her because we endured a severe freeze last week. Hopefully, she’s not too old, young, or ill to make the 500-mile non-stop trip across the Gulf of Mexico.

I’ve enjoyed observing these tiny, yet territorial birds from my dining-room window. When there is more than one bird at the feeder at a time, they become rather rowdy. Their aggressiveness amazes me.

These little creatures know what they want and make sure none of their fellow beings interfere. I chuckle when I see a bird perched on the feeder, not interested in eating, but acting as a lookout to ensure no other birds stop to eat. After a brief skirmish, where one scares off the others, he or she returns to their perch to stand guard once more.

Even though I know this is their typical behavior, I’ve attempted to step outside and share the Word of God with them. Sadly, without success. As hard as I try, they’re not interested in the Golden Rule.

Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Luke 6:31 (NIV)

Do they want their fellow beings to treat them this same way? Unlikely, but I’m fascinated because they might have chased away their own babies. I suppose, once out of the nest, it’s a fight for survival, where only the strongest can thrive.

I hope I’m not like this, but I know that sometimes my human nature takes over and I’m ready to fight for what I want too. Selfishness is a battle I face every day.

As a silly example, don’t try to steal a slice of my pizza. Just ask my husband. Like the hummingbirds, I’m ready to defend my favorite food, though with less aggression.

Instead of selfishness, I desire to follow the example of my Lord and become a generous giver of good gifts.

Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.
Philippians 2:4 (TPT)

If I hand you a slice of pizza, you’ll know I’m giving you something significant. But if you’re in need of a loaf of bread, I’ll do my best to help with that instead.

I hope Matilda completes her migration, but if she stays, I’ll look after her and provide her with her favorite food. And with Thanksgiving almost here, I’ll be savoring several of mine, but I doubt pizza will be on the menu.

May you experience a wonderful, joy-filled Thanksgiving with family and friends without fighting over that last piece of pie.