Leaving a Legacy

My parents were outstanding examples of two people in love with the Lord. They became active in their church and served together for 30 years until their health gave out. They left our family the legacy of their personal commitment and faithful service to the Lord.

Their devotion to the Lord came later in life. I grew up attending church on a not-so-regular basis. If my memory is correct, the church taught that if you became a member and took communion twice a year, you would go to heaven. Our family did the minimum; we wanted to make it into heaven. Unfortunately, our church was lifeless. My heart ached for more.

My mom, too, longed for more. She’d watch Billy Graham Crusades on television and share with me what she learned. We both decided we needed to search for the truth. We started attending a small church in our neighborhood. Friendly people welcomed us, and services were lively. We heard about accepting the Lord into our hearts and lives and developing a relationship with Him. We found Christ!

A year later, my dad accepted the Lord into his life. Our motto changed from, “Let’s just get into heaven” to, “What else can we do for our Lord?” My parents and I became involved and supported the church with our finances.

Years later, after moving 500 miles away, my husband and I stayed in my parents’ home when we visited. Their faithfulness touched my heart as I’d listen to them pray at their kitchen table and call out the names of their children, grandchildren, and former foster children to the Lord. They asked God to take care of their family and draw them close to Him.

I, too, wish to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren. I want others to remember me as a person of faith who walked in the Spirit of Christ; a woman who loved the Lord with all her heart and found joy in worshipping Him and bringing Him glory; and a follower of Christ who loved her family, prayed for them and others daily, and believed God would move on their behalf with blessing upon blessing.

Who inspired you? A relative, pastor, Bible teacher, or someone else? What legacy are you hoping to leave?

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:20-21, ESV

Photo by Tyler Nix - Unsplash